Are Good Negotiators Born or Made?
- Good negotiators are born and made
- Everyone can learn to be an effective negotiator
- Don't be intimidated by master negotiators
Just as you might ask, "Are good leaders born or made?" or "Are good salespeople born or made?" you might also ask, "Are good negotiators born or made?"
Like good leaders, good negotiators are born and made. Some are born, most are made, and in many cases, self-made.
But there is no closed club when it comes to mastery of negotiation. Everyone can learn to be an effective and collaborative negotiator. It takes:
- Desire to do better – you have to want it
- Disciplined in approach– you consistently do the things that you know work
- Goal focused
- Practice, practice, practice
- Master the Basics
- Listening to your coach/mentor/others
- Concern – for great results, improved commitment, and enhanced reputation
Everyone can be an effective negotiator. And it is well worth it.
People seek out the good negotiators. Almost everyone prefers to work with an effective collaborative negotiator rather than an ineffective negotiator who is inflexible and confrontational.
Don't be intimidated by master negotiators. They don't know anything you can't learn. They are called "masters" because they have mastered the basics. They practice every day in every way. They constantly return to the basics and refine their approach, correct unwanted behaviors, and sharpen their skills.
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